Đề luyện thi đại học môn Anh văn 2012

Đề luyện thi đại học môn Anh văn 2012
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Đề luyện thi đại học môn Anh văn 2012

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Đề luyện thi đại học môn Anh văn 2012

I. Read the passage and circle the best option A, B, C, or D to complete the following questions or statements:

Psychologist have debated a long time about whether a child’s upbringing can give it the ability to do outstandingly well. Some think that it is impossible to develop genius and say that it is simply something a person is born with. Others, however, argue that the potential for great achievement can be develop. The truth lies somewhere between these two extremes.

It seems very obvious that being born with the right qualities from gifted parents will increase a child’s ability to do well. However, this ability will be fully realized only with the right upbringing and opportunities. As one psychologist says, “To have a fast car, you need both a good engine an d fuel.” Scientists have recently assessed intelligence, achievement, and ability in 50 sets of identical twins that were separated shortly birth and brought up by different parents. They found that achievement was based on intelligence, and later influenced by the child’s environment.

One case involving very intelligent twins was quoted. One of the twins received a normal upbringing, and performed well. The other twin, however, was brought up by extremely supportive parents and given every possible opportunity to develop its abilities. That twin, though starting out with the same degree of intelligence as the other, performed even better.

This case reflects the general principle of intelligence and ability. The more favorable the environment, the more a child’s intelligence and ability are developed. However, there is no link between intelligence and socioeconomic level of a child’s family. In other words, it does not matter how poor or how rich a family is, as this does not affect the intelligence.

Gifted people can not be created by supportive parents, but they can be developed by them. One professor of music said that outstanding musicians usually started two or three years earlier than ordinary performers, often because their parents had recognized their ability. These musicians then needed at least ten years’ hard work and training in order to reach the level they were capable of attaining. People who want to have very gifted children are given the following advice:

  • Marry an intelligent person.
  • Allow children to follow their own interests rather than the interests of the parents.
  • Start a child’s education early but avoid pushing the child too hard.
  • Encourage children to play; for example, playing with musical instrument is essential for a child who wants to become an outstanding musician.

1: When scientists studied intelligence and ability in twins, they found that ______.

  1. different twins generally have different levels of ability
  2. ability depends mainly on intelligence and achievement
  3. intelligence and development are irrelevant to ability
  4. ability depends both on intelligence and environment
  • Scientists chose twins for their study because ______.
    1. they have the same genetic background, usually with similar intelligence
    2. they are born into the same family, hence the same upbringing
    3. they have the same economic background and hence the same opportunities
    4. each twin has the same environment as his/ her twin
  • How were great musicians different from ordinary musicians in their development?
    1. They practice playing their instruments for many years
    2. They were exceptionally intelligent and artistic
    3. They concentrated on music to the exclusion of other areas
    4. Their ability was realized at an early stage and then nurtured
  • The writer advises that gifted children should be allowed to follow ______.
    1. only their interests in computer gamesonly their interests in musical instruments
  • When encouraging their gifted children, parents should avoid ______.


  1. letting them play their own way B. starting their education at an early age
  2. pushing their children too hard D. permitting them to follow their own interests
  • The remark: “To have a fast car, you need both a good engine an d fuel.” in the passage means that in order to become a genius, ______.
    1. you need to have good health and good nourishment
    2. you need intelligence and you need to develop it
    3. you should try to move quickly and efficiently.
    4. you must nourish your brain and train your muscles hard
  • The word “favorable” in the passage mostly mean ______.
    1. “of high quality or an acceptable standard”
    2. “under the control or in the power of somebody else ”
    3. “good for someone and making him/ her likely to be successful”
    4. “helping somebody to be more intelligent compared t o the other people”
  • All of the following statements are true EXCEPT ______.
    1. a child’s intelligence is influenced by that of his/ her parents
    2. studying different twins is useful scientific procedure
    3. educational development depends completely on economic well-being
    4. to become successful, a child need both native intelligence and development


  • The upbringing of highly intelligent children requires ______.
  1. parental support and encouragement B. an expensive education C. wealthy and loving parents D. good musical instruments
  • The word “others” used in the first paragraph refers to ______.
  1. other people B. other scientists C. other geniuses         D. other children

Read the passage and circle the best option A, B, C, or D to complete the following questions or statements:


Since the world became industrialized, the number of animal species that have either become extinct or have neared extinction has increased. Bengal tigers, for instance, which once roamed the jungles in vast numbers, now number only about 2,300. By the year 2025, it is estimated that they will become extinct.


What is alarming about the case of the Bengal tiger is that this extinction will have been caused almost entirely by poachers who, according to some sources, are not always interested in material gain but in personal gratification. This is an example of the callousness that is contributing to the problem of extinction. Animals such as the Bengal tiger, as well as other endangered species, are valuable parts of the world’s ecosystem. International laws protecting these animals must be enacted to ensure their survival – and the survival of our planet.


Countries around the world have begun to deal with the problem in various ways. Some countries, in an effort to circumvent the problem, have allocated large amounts of land to animals reserves. They then charge admission prices to help defray the costs of maintaining the parks, and they often must also depend on world organizations for support. This money enables them to invest in equipment and patrols to protect the animals. Another response to the increase in animal extinction is an international boycott of products made from endangered species. This has had some effect, but by itself it will not prevent animals from being hunted and killed.


11: What is the main topic of the passage?

  1. Endangered species B. Problems with industrialization C. The Bengal tiger D. International boycotts
  • The word “poachers” could be best replaced by which of the following?
  1. Concerned scientists B. Enterprising researchers C. Illegal hunters D. Trained hunters
  • The word “callousness” could be best replaced by which of the following?
  1. incompetence B. indirectness C. insensitivity               D. independence
  • The previous passage is divided into two paragraphs in order to contrast:
  1. A comparison and a contrast B. A problem and a solution
  2. A statement and an illustration D. Specific and general information


  • What does the word “this” refer to in the passage?
  1. Bengal tiger B. Interest in material gain
  2. Killing animals for personal satisfaction D. The decrease in the Bengal tiger population
  • Where in the passage does the author discuss a cause of extinction?
  1. Lines 4-6 B. Lines 7-9 C. Lines 10-16                  D. Lines 1-3
  • Which of the following could best replace the word “allocated”?
  1. set aside B. combined C. taken                              D. organized
  • The word “defray” is closest in meaning to which of the following?
  1. make a payment on B. raise
  2. lower D. make an investment toward
  • What does the term “international boycott” refer to?
    1. A global increase in animal survival
    2. A refusal to buy animal products worldwide
    3. Defraying the cost of maintaining national parks
    4. Buying and selling of animal products overseas
  • Which of the following best describes the author’s attitude?

Choose from the four options given (marked A, B, C, or D) one best answer to complete each of the following sentences:

  • ______ did Arthur realize that there was danger.
  1. When he entered the store B. After he had entered the store
  2. On entering the store D. Only after entering the store
  • After seeing the movie Centennial, ______.
    1. the book made many people want to read it
    2. the book was read by many people
    3. many people wanted to read the book
    4. the reading of the book interested many people
  • Many of the current international problems that we are now facing ______.
    1. are the results of misunderstandings.
    2. lacks of the intelligent capabilities of understanding each other
    3. linguistic incompetences
    4. are because of not understanding themselves
  • Le: “I can’t understand how you missed the exit.”

Linh: “Well, it was so dark that ______.”

  1. we could see hardly the road signs B. we could see the road signs hardly
  2. hardly could we see the road signs D. we could hardly see the road signs
  • George didn’t do well in the class because ______.
  1. he was a badly student B. he studied bad
  2. he failed to study properly D. he was not good studywise

Read the passage and choose one word or phrase marked A, B, C or D that best fits each of the gaps:


When you read something in a foreign language, you frequently come across words you do not (26)______ understand. Sometimes you (27)______ the meaning in a dictionary and sometimes you guess. The strategy you adopt depends very much upon the (28)______ of accuracy you require and the time at your disposal.


If you are the sort of person who tends to turn to the dictionary frequently, it is (29)______ remembering that every dictionary has its limitations. Each definition is only an approximation and one builds up an accurate picture of the meaning of a word only after meeting it in a (30)______ of contexts. It is also important to recognize the special dangers of dictionaries that translate from English into your native language and vice versa. If you must use a dictionary, it is usually far safer to (31)______ an English-English dictionary.


In most exams you are not permitted to use a dictionary. (32)______ you are allowed to use one, it is very time-consuming to look up words, and time in exams is usually limited. You are, (33)______ , forced to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words.

When you come across unknown words in an exam text, it is very easy to panic. However, if you develop efficient techniques for guessing the meaning, you will (34)______ a number of possible problems and help yourself to understand far more of the text than you at first thought likely.

Two strategies which may help you guess the meaning of a word are: using contextual clues, both within the sentence and outside, and making use of clues (35)______ from the formation of the word.

26: A. wholly B. fully C. totally D. completely
27: A. inspect B. control C. check D. examine
28: A. extent B. level C. degree D. range
29: A. worth B. essential C. valuable D. vital
30: A. multiple B. variation C. variety D. diversity
31: A. survey B. consult C. refer D. inquire
32: A. In case B. Provided C. Although D. Even if
33: A. therefore B. so C. however D. so that
34: A. go over B. overcome C. get over D. surpass
35: A. coming B. extracted C. derived D. originated
  1. Choose the best option A, B, C, or D to complete the following sentences:
  • She’d rather watch television, ______?
  1. wouldn’t she B. didn’t she C. hadn’t she                D. doesn’t she
  • If you give me a hand, then I shall be able to finish the work more quickly.
  1. do me a favour B. take my fingers C. stand by me            D. pick me up
  • There has been a sharp _____ in the number of burglaries in this area recently.
  • She wants to go shopping, but she has hardly ______.
  1. no money B. some money C. little money             D. any money
  • General ______ learning a foreign language is interesting, but not easy.
  • Staying in a hotel costs ______ renting a room in a dormitory for a week.
  1. twice as much as B. as much twice as C. twice more than      D. as much as twice
  • ______ had the curtain been raised than the light went out.
  1. Only when B. Scarcely C. Hardly                         D. No sooner
  • Peter: “I enjoy listening to pop music.”

Maria: “______.”

  • The change in timetable will ______ many students having to catch an earlier bus
  • Man’s use of colours ______ back to the time when men first used red and yellow clays to paint their bodies.
  1. had dated B. dating C. dated                            D. dates
  • They were fortune ______ from the fire before the building collapsed.
  1. to rescue B. to have rescued C. rescuing                      D. to have been rescued
  • Jim ______ care of himself. He left home when he was 16 and has been on his own since then.
  1. used to take B. is used to take C. is used to taking     D. used to be taken
  • If coastal erosion continues to take place at the present rate, in another fifty years this beach ______.
  1. won’t be existing B. doesn’t exist C. isn’t going to exist D. isn’t existing
  • These days women are not expected to stay at home ______ their mothers did in the past.
  • Due to the storm, the flight to New York was ______ for some hours.
  • The twins look so much alike that almost no one can ______ them ______.


  1. tell – away B. take – on C. tell – apart                 D. take – apart
  • A: “When is Mr. Fields planning to retire?”
  • “Soon, I think. He ______ here for a long time. He will probably retire either next year or the year after that.”
  • They have made no ______ at all in our talk about a common agricultural policy.
  • She is not a teenager any more. She looks quite ______ now.
  1. grown-up B. overgrown C. outgrown                   D. grown through
  • ______ of his childhood home in Hannibal, Missouri, provided Mark Twain with the inspiration for two of his most popular novels.
  1. He remembered B. Remembering C. Memories                  D. It was the memories
  • Jenifer is ______ in asking for bigger salary. She has worked really hard.
  1. unreasonable B. reason C. reasonable                 D. reasonably
  • John has been looking for his car, ______ is light blue
  1. whose its colour B. the colour of which C. of which colour D. which colour
  • We would contact your nearest relative ______ any accident occurring.
  1. in place of B. in spite of C. on account of          D. in the event of
  • Let’s begin our discussion now, ______?
  • ______ in astronomy, the discovery of Uranus was by accident.
  1. Alike many finds B. Many alike finds C. It was like many finds D. Like many finds
  • Don’t try too hard. Don’t ______ off more than you can ______
  1. eat – swallow B. eat – chew C. bite – swallow         D. bite – chew
  • ______ you read the instructions carefully, you will understand what to do.
  • Ben would have studied medicine if he ______ to a medical school.
  1. was admitted B. had been admitted C. had admitted          D. would be able to enter
  • Brenda: “Do you think it will rain?’ Carol: “Oh! ______.”
  1. I don’t hope B. I don’t hope so C. It’s hopeless             D. I hope not
  • ______ having a well-paid job, she never has any money.
  1. Let alone B. Despite C. For                                D. Even though

V. Choose one word marked A, B, C, or D whose stress pattern is different from the others in each group:

66: A. miraculous B. diversity C. platoon D. occupation
67: A. delivery B. ornamental C. climatic D. environment
68: A. ancestor B. tragedy C. geology D. accurate
69: A. interview B. satellite C. similar D. contestant
70: A. magnificent B. photography C. proverbial D. advantageous

VI. Circle one option A, B, C, or D that best rewrites each of the following sentences:

  • The robbers made the bank manager hand over the money.
    1. The bank manager was forced to hand over the money by the robbers.
    2. The bank manager was allowed to hand over the money by the robbers.
    3. The bank manager was made hand over the money by the robbers.
    4. The robbers helped the bank manager to hand over the money.
  • It was only because his wife helped him that he was able to finish his book.
    1. Without his wife’s help, he couldn’t have finished his book.
    2. If it weren’t for his wife’s help, he couldn’t have finished his book.
    3. If only he had been able to finish his book.


  1. But for his wife’s help, he couldn’t finish his boo k.
  • “Sorry, Madam. Looking after the garden is not my d uty.”
    1. He apologized for not looking after the garden.
    2. He not promised to look after the garden.
    3. He said that he was not responsible for looking after the garden.
    4. He asked if looking after the garden was his duty.
  • Scientists say forests are being destroyed by air pollution.
    1. Forests are said to be destroyed by scientists.
    2. Scientists blame air pollution for the destruction of forests.
    3. Scientists are blamed for destroying forests.
    4. Scientists say there’s much air pollution in the forests.
  • Much as he loved her, he couldn’t forgive her for what she had done.
    1. He didn’t forgive her for what she had done despite loving her very much.
    2. He loved her so much, that’s why he forgave her for what she had done.
    3. He didn’t forgive her for what she had done as he loved her very much.
    4. She loved him very much, so he forgave her for what she had done.

VIII. Identify one underlined part that is incorrect in each of the following sentences by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D :

  • Dogs that are trained to lead the blind must be loyalty, intelligent and calm.
  • Since erecting in 1886, the Statue of Liberty has served as a symbol of freedom.
  • Food prices have raised so rapidly in the past few months that some families have been

A B C forced to alter their eating habits.

  • What we know about certain diseases are still not sufficient to prevent them from spreading

A B C easily among the population.

  • The president refused to accept either of the four new proposals made by the contractors.

A              B            C                                              D

………………………………The end…………………………….



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Identify the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.

1. A. privacy B. flight C. recycle D. vivid
2. A. introduce B. huge C. flute D. cute
3. A. ballet B. inlet C. buffet D. stay

Identify the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the other words.

4. A. elegant B. array C. departure D. inherit
5. A. belief B. dinosaur C. argument D. challenge


Choose the right word or phrase to complete the sentences.

6. There’s a list of repairs as long as .
A. a mile B. a pole C. your arm D. your arms
7. The news was to them that they were all dead silent.
A. such shock B. such a shock C. so shock D. too shock
8. In the United States the states but Hawaii is an island.
A. none of B. neither of C. all of D. no of
9. What a ! I have left the umbrella at home and now it starts raining.
A. complaint B. sorry C. shame D. regret
10. are forms of carbon has been known since the late 18th century.
A. Diamonds B. Diamonds, which C. Because diamonds D. That diamonds
11. Dinosaurs believed out millions of years ago.
A. are/ to have died B. were/ to have died C. are/ to die D. were/ to die
12. “Which blouse do you like best?”  “ The one .”
A. I tried it on first B. I tried on first C. I tried on it first D. I tried it on firstly
13. The Williams have three sons, have become lawyers.
A. all of whom B. all of them C. they all D. of whom all
14. We would rather Helen us all the information we needed. We should have been well informed.
A. sent B. send C. had sent D. have sent
15. Only because she had to support her family to leave school.
A. that Alice decides B. so Alice decided C. Alice decided D. did Alice decide
16. Sorry, my father is out. Can I a message?
A. leave B. take C. put D. make
17. pollution control measures are expensive, many industries hesitate to adopt them.
A. Because B. Although C. However D. On account of
18. Income tax rates are usually to one’s annual income.
A. dependent B. associated C. adapted D. related
19. She won the competition in 2008 and seems likely again this year.
A. win B. to win C. to do so D. will win
20. The majority of primary school teachers women.
A. is B. are C. includes D. including
21. today, there would be nowhere for them to stay.
A. Were they to arrive B. If they arrive
C. Had they arrive D. Provided they arrived
22. “ I’m taking my driving test tomorrow.” “ !”
A. Luck B. Best wishes C. Good luck D. Good chance
23. The restaurant is very popular with film stars, artists, and the .
A. same B. similar C. such D. like
24. There are different styles in classical music, on when the music was composed.
A. depend B. depending C. depends D. depended
25. The bicycle has two wheels. One wheel is in front of .
A. another B. the other C. other D. others
26. His house is nothing out of the ; it’s just an average four- room house.
A. normal B. typical C. ordinary D. usual
27. Moving to a new town brought about many changes in his life.
A. resulted in B. speeded up C. resulted from D. prevented
28. Will you please give back the pen that yesterday?
A. I borrowed from you B. you lent to me
C. you borrowed to me D. I lent to you
29. “ Let me see. Will five o’clock do?” the nurse answered the patient who wanted an appoinment.
The most appropriate response is “ .”
A. Exactly! B. Not at all C. Maybe, it will D. Fine
30. “ That trumpet player was certainly loud.” “ I wasn’t bothered by his loudness by his lack of
A. so much as B. rather than C. as D. than
31. “ Do you mind if I ask you one or two questions ?”  “ .”
A. Not at all. Fire away. B. That’s quite all right.
C. Why not? D. I’m sorry. I have no idea.
32. Their migration may be halted if fog, clouds, or rain hides the stars.
A. postponed B. spoiled C. stopped D. endangered
33. This magazine is very good. If you like reading, you should to it.
A. contribute B. enroll C. buy D. subscribe
34. the Prime Minister stressed that lack of trained personnel would the progress of Third
Development Plan.
A. overcome B. retard C. increase D. detect
35. We asked him to go back, but he insisted on watching the sun coming down at .
A. sunrise B. dawn C. dusk D. twilight

Choose the underlined part ( A, B, C or D) that is incorrect.

36. Hundred of scientists have been involved in the research.
A B C  D
37. Automation reduces labour costs by cutting the number of workers needing to do a job.
38. He drove at full speed lest he was late for the meeting.
A   B C D
39. A computer can store information such as the size and the shape of a steel beam, recipe for a
cake, and the amount of money in a bank account.
  1. Many of the population in the rural areas is composed of manual labourers.

A                                                            B                     C                              D


Read the following passage and choose the right answer to fill in each of the blanks.

Keeping fit and staying healthy have, not surprisingly, become a growth industry (41)
apart from the amount of money spent each year on doctors’ (42) and approved medical  treatment,  huge
sums are now spent on health foods and (43) of various kinds, from vitamin pills to mineral water, (44)
health clubs and keep- fit books and videos. We are more concerned than ever, it seeems, (45)
the water we drink and the air we breathe, and are smoking less, though not yet drinking less alcohol. This
does not appear to mean that (46) and sneezes have been banished, or that we can all expect to live
to a hundred. To give a personal example, one of my friends, who is a keep- fit (47) ,  a  non-  smoker
and teetotaler, and who is very (48) about what he eats, is at present languishing in bed with a wrist in
(49) and a badly sprained ankle. Part of his healthy (50) is to play squash every day after
work, and that (51) for the ankle. He also cycles everywhere, and if you have ever tried to cycle
through the rush-hour traffic with a sprained ankle, you will understand (52) he  acquired  the  broken
wrist. For (53) , it seems, is not just a matter of a good (54) and plenty of exercise. Too much

exercise can be harmful, as many joggers have discovered. Eating the right food can easily become an obsession, as

can overworking, which you might have to do so as to be able to afford your (55) of the squash club, your
mountain bike, your health food, and a few holidays in peaceful and healthy places.
41. A. Poles B. Far C. Quite D. So
42. A. prescriptions B. surgeries C. hospitals D. payments
43. A. medications B. cures C. drugs D. remedies
44. A. beside B. not to mention C. saying D. example
45. A. than B. about C. for D. hence
46. A. colds B. flu C. fevers D. coughs


47. A. fanatic B. follower C. fad D. person
48. A. interested B. varied C. detailed D. particular
49. A. crutches B. plaster C. treatment D. danger
50. A. living B. lifetime C. lifestyle D. liveliness
51. A. is B. caters C. depends D. accounts
52. A. how B. that C. whenever D. thus
53. A. fit B. this C. health D. all
54. A. diet B. eating C. menu D. recipe
55. A. share B. visit C. membership D. subscription

Read the following passage and choose the right answer to each of the questions.

Are  organically grown  foods  the  best food  choices?  The  advantages  claimed  for  such  foods  over

conventionally grown and marketed food products are now being debated. Advocates of organic foods– a term whose meaning varies greatly- frequently proclaim that such products are safer and more nutritious than others.

The growing interest of consumers in the safety and nutritional quality of the typical North American diet is a welcome development. However, much of this interest has been sparked by sweeping claims that the foods supply is unsafe or inadequate in the meeting nutritional needs. Although most of these claims are not supported by scientific evidence, the preponderance of written material advancing such claims makes it difficult for the general public to separate fact from fiction. As a result, claims that eating a diet consisting entirely of organically grown foods prevents or cures disease or provides other benefits to health have become widely publicized and formed the basic for folklore.

Almost daily the public is besieged by claims for “no-aging” diets, new vitamins, and other wonder fo ods. Thre are numerous unsubstantiated reports that natural vitamins are superior to synthetic ones, that fertilized eggs are nutritionally superior to unfertilized eggs, that untreated grains are better than fumigated grains, and the like.

One thing that most organically grown foods products seem to have in common is that they cost more than conventionally grown foods. But in many cases consumers are misled if they believe foods. So there is real cause for concern if consumers, particularly those with limited incomes, distrust the regular food supply and buy expensive organic foods instead.

  1. The “ welcome development” mentioned in paragraph 2 is an increase in .
  2. interest in food safety and nutrition among North Americans.
  3. the nutritional quality of the typical North American diet.
  4. the amount of healthy foods grown in North America.
  5. the number of consumers in North America.
  6. According to the first paragraph, which of the following is true about the term “ organic foods” ?
  7. It is accepted by most nutritionists. B. It has been used only in recent years.
  8. It has no fixed meaning D. It is seldom used by consumers.
  1. The author implies that there is cause for concern if consumers with limited incomes buy organic foods instead

of conventionally grown foods because                               .

  1. organic foods can be more expensive but are often no better than conventionally grown foods.
  2. many organic foods are actually less nutritious than similar conventionally grown foods.
  3. conventionally grown foods are more readily available than organic foods.
  4. too many farmers will stop using conventional methods to grow food crops.
  5. According to the last paragraph, consumers who believe that organic foods are better than conventionally
grown foods are often .
A. careless B. mistaken C. thrifty D. wealthy
60. What is the author’s attitude towards the claims made by advocates of health foods?
A. Very anthusiastic B. Skeptical C. Neutral D. Somewhat favorable

Read the following passage and choose the right answer to fill in each of the blanks.

One of the hottest topics on the international development agenda is how to harness the power of International Monetary Fund for the benefit of developing countries. What is sometimes called “ the de ath of

distance”, brought about by the (61) ,allow professional services such as (62)
education and training to be provided easily and quickly to (63) areas. Some of the gains can be seen in
countries as diverse as India and Morocco, where innovations range from (64) government
announcements to local craftsmen selling their wares to a (65) market.   But   already   a   huge   and
eapanding (66) divide is opening up between developed and developing nations. The major tasks facing
world leaders at present is to (67) everybody on the planet with clean water, basic education and the


drugs needed to fight preventable diseases. Installing a (68) in every classroom and liking us to (69)
must be a lesser (70) , for the time being at least.
61. A. computer B. telephone C. modern D. internet
62. A. stationary B. software C. hardware D. equipment
63. A. far B. uninhabited C. remote D. secluded
64. A. programmed B. broadcast C. recorded D. online
65. A. global B. technical C. village D. shrinking
66. A. physical B. digital C. electrical D. economical
67. A. supply B. give C. donate D. administer
68. A. plug B. video C. mobile phone D. modem
69. A. the real world B. cyberspace C. virtual reality D. outer space
70. A. priority B. advantage C. importance D. criteria



  1. It may seem strange, but I enjoy hard work. I feel strange about hard work.
  1. Look out for falling rocks!
  2. Let’s look for falling rocks. B. Look out the window at those falling rocks.
  3. Look for falling rocks. D. Don’t let those falling rocks hit you.
  4. I only called the police when I had tried everything else.
    1. I didn’t call the police because I had tried everything else.
    2. I only called the police after I have tried evyrything else.
    3. I only called the police as a last resort.
    4. Because I had tried everything else, I called the police.
  5. Any correspondence from the London office must be dealt with before other matters.
    1. Any correspondence from the London office must take priority of other matters.
    2. Any correspondence from the London office must be put off other matters.
    3. Any correspondence from the London office must be given priority over other matters.
    4. Both A & C are acceptable.
  6. I would rather you wore something more formal to work.
    1. I’d prefer you to wear something more formal to work.
    2. I’d prefer you wear something more formal to work.
    3. I’d prefer you wearing something more formal to work.
    4. I’d prefer you should wear something more formal to work.

From the given words, make meaningful sentences by choosing the most appropriate answer.

  1. They/ leave/ early/ not catch/ traffic.
    1. They left early so that not to catch in the traffic.
    2. They left early to avoid being caught in the traffic.
    3. They left early so as to not get caught in the traffic.
  1. It/ not easy/ remain/ tranquil/ events/ suddenly/ change/ life.
    1. It is noy easy remain tranquil when events suddenly change life.
    2. It is not easy to remain tranquil when events suddenly change your life.
    3. It is not easy remaining tranquil when events suddenly change your life.
    4. It is not easy to remain tranquil if events suddenly change life.
  2. You/ should/ doctor/ see/ that cut.
    1. You should have a doctor seen to that cut.
    2. You should get a doctor seen to that cut.
    3. You should have a doctor see to that cut.
    4. You should ask a doctor see to that cut.
  3. She/ urge/ her husband/ accept/ post.
    1. She urged that her husband accept the post.
    2. She urged her husband accept the post.
    3. She urged her husband accepted the post.
    4. She urged her husband should be accepted the post.


  1. Committee members/ resent/ treat/ that.
    1. The committee members resented to treat as that.
    2. The committee members resented to be treated as that.
    3. The committee members resented to treat like that.
    4. The committee members resented beinng treated like that.

****** THE END******


Câu 1 D Câu 11 A Câu 21 A Câu 31 B
Câu 2 C Câu 12 B Câu 22 C Câu 32 C
Câu 3 B Câu 13 A Câu 23 D Câu 33 D
Câu 4 A Câu 14 C Câu 24 B Câu 34 B
Câu 5 A Câu 15 D Câu 25 B Câu 35 C
Câu 6 C Câu 16 B Câu 26 C Câu 36 A
Câu 7 B Câu 17 A Câu 27 A Câu 37 C
Câu 8 A Câu 18 D Câu 28 D Câu 38 C
Câu 9 C Câu 19 C Câu 29 D Câu 39 D
Câu 10 D Câu 20 B Câu 30 A Câu 40 A
Câu 41 C Câu 51 D Câu 61 D Câu 71 C
Câu 42 A Câu 52 A Câu 62 B Câu 72 D
Câu 43 D Câu 53 C Câu 63 C Câu 73 C
Câu 44 B Câu 54 A Câu 64 D Câu 74 D
Câu 45 B Câu 55 C Câu 65 A Câu 75 A
Câu 46 D Câu 56 A Câu 66 B Câu 76 B
Câu 47 A Câu 57 C Câu 67 A Câu 77 B
Câu 48 D Câu 58 A Câu 68 D Câu 78 C
Câu 49 B Câu 59 B Câu 69 B Câu 79 A
Câu 50 C Câu 60 B Câu 70 A Câu 80 D


B GIÁO D [1]C VÀ  ðÀO T O ð[1] THI TH  ð I HC, CAO ðNG
ð THAM KHO Môn: Ti ng Anh
Thi gian làm bài: 90 phút
Chn m[1]t phương án (A, B, C hoc D) ng vi t có tr ng âm chính nh n vào âm ti  t có v
 trí khác
vi ba t còn l
i trong m

i câu, t 1 ñn 5

Câu  1: A. method B. invention C. intense D. effective
Câu  2: A. writer B. carefully C. origin D. compete
Câu  3: A. delicate B. invention C. organic D. bacteria
Câu  4: A. abnormality B. automatically C. metropolitan D. miraculously
Câu  5: A. discard B. conceal C. birthmark D. suppose

Chn m[1]t phương án (A, B, C hoc D) ng vi t /cm t có g
ch chân c n phi sa, t câu 6 ñn 10 Câu 6: Ceramic can be harder, light, and more resistant to heat than metals.

A                                B               C                  D

Câu 7:  Mold is extremely destruction to books in a library.

A                    B                  C                  D

Câu 8:  Sydney Laniar achieved fame both as a poet or a symphony musician.

A                                B              C                                  D

Câu 9:  Sharks can detect minute electrical discharges coming from its prey.

A                                B                                    C                        D

Câu 10:  It would be both noticed and appreciating if you could finish the work before you leave.

A                                        B                                                         C                                  D

Chn m[1]t phương ánñúng (A, B, C hoc D) ng vi câu có ngh ĩa gn nh t vi m

i câu cho s n hoc hoàn t t các câu sau ñây, t câu 11 ñn 20


Câu 11:  Let’s go shopping.

  1. She says we can go shopping.
  1. She agrees to go shopping with him.
  1. She allows us to go shopping.
  1. She suggests going shopping.

Câu 12:  Whatever subject you choose makes no difference to me.

  1. You can choose any subject, there’s no difference.
  1. What subject you choose is important to me.
  2. I don’t care about you.
  1. It doesn’t matter to me what subject you choose.

Câu 13:  You should have persuaded him to change his mind.

  1. It was essential to persuade him to change his mind but you didn’t.
  1. You didn’t persuade him to change because of his mind.
  1. You persuade him to change his mind but he didn’t listen.
  1. You should persuade him to change his mind.

Câu 14:  After several months, the problem continues to be discussed.

  1. The solution to the problem has already been found after several months.
  1. The problem was solved after several months’ discussion.
  2. The discussion of the problem is not over yet.
  1. The discussion of the problem ceased several months ago.

Câu 15:  He talked about nothing except the weather.

  1. He talked about everything including the weather.
  1. His sole topic of conversation was the weather.
  2. He said that he had no interest in the weather.
  1. He had nothing to say about the weather.

Câu 16:  However hard you work, you will never be promoted here.

  1. No matter how you work, you will be promoted here.
  1. You will never be promoted here; however you work hard.
  1. If you didn’t work hard, you would never be promoted here.


  1. Although you work really hard, you will never be promoted here.

Câu 17: As soon as they set off, it began to rain.

  1. It began to rain before they set off.
  1. They set very soon before it began to rain.
  1. Hardly had they set off when it began to rain.
  1. No sooner they set off than it began to rain.

Câu 18: It is essential _____.

  1. for everyone who knows what to do in the event of fire
  1. for everyone knowing what to do in the event of fire
  1. that everyone know what to do when there is fire
  1. that everyone to know what to do when there is a fire

Câu 19: He offered to help her with the heavy suitcase, which was kind.

  1. The suitcase which he offered to help her with was kind.
  1. He offered to help her but the suitcase was too heavy.
  1. It was kind of her to have him help with the suitcase.
  1. It was kind of him to offer to help her with the suitcase.

Câu 20: Peter and Lucy had a quarrel, but they soon made up.

  1. Peter and Lucy had a quarrel but they soon let it go.
  1. Peter and Lucy had a quarrel, but now they are friends again.
  1. Peter and Lucy hate each other since their argument.
  1. Peter and Lucy made a mistake but they soon corrected it.

ðc k ño
n văn sau và ch n m[1]t phương ánñúng (A, B, C hoc D) cho m

i ch

 trng, t 21 ñn 30 If you can roll a ball, you can play bowls. Everyone can play: young and old, men and women, the fit

and the not so fit. It is the (21) _______ outdoor game that really is a sport for all. What other sports can grandparents play on equal terms with their grandchildren? What other game is so simple that you could take up it today and be (22) _______ in the national championship tomorrow?

Simple? Perhaps that is not the (23) _______ word. There are bowls players in their thousands (24) _______ will tell you that, although bowls is a game that anyone can (25) _______ in five minutes, it takes a lifetime to (26) _______ it. They are the people who have developed a passionate interest in the game. (27) _______ for outsiders, bowls is another world, and a strange and puzzling one. They see a bowl game in action and wonder what is going on.

What the players are trying to do is easy to explain. Their (28) _______ is to roll their bowls, called wood, as near as possible to the little white ball, called the jack. If one of your bowls finishes nearer to the jack than your opponent’s, you score one point and he or she scores (29) _______. If you have the two nearest, you score two, and so on. The skill involved in rolling a bowl that weighs around 2 kilos across about 40 meters so that it stops only a very short (30) _______ from the target is just as impressive as the skills required in other sports.

Câu 21: A. individual B. special C. one D. alone
Câu 22: A. going B. competing C. entering D. taking
Câu 23: A. right B. just C. genuine D. suitable
Câu 24: A. when B. who C. whose D. which
Câu 25: A. pick up B. see through C. catch on D. find out
Câu 26: A. manage B. tame C. control D. master
Câu 27: A. Although B. Besides C. Unlike D. However
Câu 28: A. aim B. attempt C. scheme D. point
Câu 29: A. everything B. anything C. nothing D. something
Câu 30: A. length B. extent C. distance D. range

ðc k ño
n văn sau và ch n phương ánñúng (A, B, C hoc D) cho m

i câu, t 31 ñn 38


For a long time, amphibians were confused with reptiles. Like reptiles, they have three-chambered hearts and are cold-blooded. Some amphibians, such as salamanders, are even shaped like lizards. However, unlike reptiles, amphibians never have claws on their toes or scales on their bodies. Furthermore, the eggs of amphibians lack shells, so they must be laid in water or in moist places.

Amphibians were the first creatures to spend sizable amounts of their lives on land. The larvae of most amphibians, such as frog tadpoles, are born with gills and live in water. However, their gills disappear as they develop lungs. Most retain the ability to breathe through the moist surface of their skin. This comes in handy when they hibernate in the bottom mud of lakes and ponds during the coldest months. They take in the small amount of oxygen they need through their skin. Some amphibians undergo what is known as a “double metamorphosis”, changing not only from gill breathers to lung breathers but also from vegetarians to insectivores.

Although the amphibian class is rather small in number of species, it shows great diversity. There are three major types. The caecilians of the tropics are long, legless, burrowing creatures. Caudate amphibians, such as newts and salamanders, mostly have long tails and stubby legs. Salientians, which include both frogs and toads, are tailless as adults and have powerful hind legs. Toads differ from frogs primarily in that they have dry, warty skin.

Câu 31:  The author’s main purpose in writing the passage is to _____.

  1. contrast different types of amphibians B. define and describe amphibians C. trace the development of amphibians from larvae to adults D. explain how amphibians differ

from other creatures

Câu 32:  According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a characteristic of amphibians?

  1. They are cold-blooded. B. They have claws on their toes.
  2. They have three-chambered hearts. D. They lay eggs without shells.

Câu 33:  The term “scales” is closest to which of the following in meaning?

  1. Plates covering the bodies of certain animals. B. Proportions between different sets of dimensions.
  2. Devices used to measure weight. D. Sounds made by various animals.

Câu 34: According to the passage, the term “double metamorphosis” refers to the fact that amphibians _____.

  1. change both the shape of their bodies and the way in which they lay eggs B. change both their methods of breathing and their feeding habits
  2. first breathe through their gills, then through their lungs, then through their skin D. first live in the water, then on land, then in mud in the bottom of ponds and lakes

Câu 35: It can be inferred from the passage that amphibians’ ability to breathe through their skin is especially useful during the _____.

A. spring B. fall C. winter D. summer
Câu 36:  All of the following are identified in the passage as amphibians EXCEPT _____.
A. salamanders B. caecilians C. lizards D. newts
Câu 37:  The word stubby” is closest in meaning to _____.
A. undeveloped B. powerful C. thick and short D. long and thin
Câu 38:  The word “they” refers to _____.
A. frogs B. toads C. adults D. tails
Chn m[1]t phương ánñúng (A, B, C hoc D) ñ hoàn thành m 

i câu sau, t câu 39  ñn 68

Câu 39:  Having passed the entrance exam, _____ go away for a holiday.
A. his parents allow him B. his parents allow him to
C. he is allowing to D. he is allowed to
Câu 40:  By the end of next year, we _____ this advanced training course.
A. are finishing B. have finished C. will have finished D. will be finished
Câu 41:  Motorists _____ of speeding may be banned from driving for a year.
A. charged B. convicted C. arrested D. judged
Câu 42:  In order to grow vegetables properly, gardeners must know _____.
A. what are each vegetable’s requirements B. what the requirements for each vegetable are


  1. that is required by each vegetable
  1. that the requirements for each vegetable

Câu 43: It’s only a small flat but it _____ my needs perfectly. A. meets B. supplies C. settles

  1. fills

Câu 44: I’d like to _____ this old car for a new model but I can’t afford it. A. exchange B. interchange C. convert

  1. replace

Câu 45: _____ further rioting to occur, the government would be forced to use its emergency powers.

A. Were B. Did C. Had D. Should
Câu 46:  David is the captain of the school basketball team, _____ his father before him.
A. such as B. similar to C. just like D. as well as
Câu 47:  The door is unlocked. _____ here last night.
A. Something strange was happened B. Something strange should have happened
C. Something strange had happened D. Something strange could have happened
Câu 48:  Although he supports the Council, he does not take an active _____ in politics.
A. part B. charge C. affair D. play
Câu 49:  Why don’t you wear that blue dress of yours? It _____ you.
A. watches B. suits C. agrees D. goes with

Câu 50: Although he claims to have left his job voluntarily, he was actually _____ for misconduct.

  1. dismissed B. resigned C. released                         D. dispelled

Câu 51: Olympiakos _____ 0 – 0 with Real Madrid in the first leg of the semi-final in Athens.

  1. drew B. equal C. equalized                      D. shared

Câu 52: The doctor told him that the _____ he would gain from a healthy diet would be well worth the sacrifice.

  1. welfare
  1. advantages
  1. profits
  1. benefit

Câu 53: Doctors usually have to study for at least seven years before becoming fully _____.

A. examined B. qualified C. tested D. approved of
Câu 54:  Many minerals near the earth’s surface exist in small _____.
A. numbers B. amounts C. number D. amount
Câu 55:  The young children are very _____ on camping holiday.
A. enthusiastic B. interested C. keen D. eager
Câu 56:  _____ other mammals, whales do not have a sense of smell.
A. Unlikely B. Not alike C. Dislike D. Unlike
Câu 57:  Many people read newspapers _____ waiting for the bus.
A. while B. as they C. if D. during
Câu 58:  The director retired early _____ ill-health.
A. on behalf of B. in front of C. on account of D. ahead of
Câu 59:  If you are _____ you are kind and helpful to other people.
A. polite B. outgoing C. sociable D. caring
Câu 60:  She’s annoyed _____ me just because I’m late.
A. for B. with C. of D. on
Câu 61:  In the long past, it was unclear whether Australia was _____ to Antarctica.
A. connected B. coupled C. integrated D. united

Câu 62: The little boy was _____ to steal the money when he saw it lying on the desk.

  1. brought B. attracted C. tempted                         D. appealed

Câu 63: You can’t drive without a _____.

  1. diploma B. license
  1. degree
  1. certificate

Câu 64: The government’s policy then was seen as a _____ to local democracy. A. weakness B. suppression C. threat D. harm


Câu 65:  He refused to give up work, _____ he had won a million dollars.

  1. even though B. however C. as though                       D. despite

Câu 66:  The company received _____ complaints about the quality of its products.

  1. continual B. continued C. continuous                    D. continuing

Câu 67:  “Thank you very much for a lovely party.” – “_____.”

  1. Have a good day B. Not at all C. Thanks                           D. You are welcome

Câu 68: – “More coffee? Anybody?” – “_____.” A. It’s right, I think

  1. I’d love to
  1. I don’t agree, I’m afraid
  1. Yes, please

ðc k ño
n văn sau và ch n m[1]t phương ánñúng (A, B, C hoc D) cho m

i câu, t 69 ñn 80

Galaxies are not evenly distributed throughout the universe. A few are found alone, but almost all are grouped in formations termed galactic clusters. These formations should not be confused with stellar clusters, globular clusters of stars that exist within a galaxy. The size of galactic clusters varies enormously, with some clusters containing only a dozen or so members and others containing as many as 10,000. Moreover, galactic clusters themselves are part of larger clusters of clusters, termed superclusters. It is surmised that even clusters of superclusters are possible.

Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is part of a galactic cluster called the Local Group, which has twenty members and is typical in terms of the types of galaxies it contains. There are three large spiral galaxies: Andromeda, the largest galaxy in the group; the Milky Way, the second-largest galaxy; and the Trianglum Spiral, the third largest. There are also four medium-sized spiral galaxies, including the Large Cloud of Magellan and the Small Cloud of Magellan. There are four regular elliptical galaxies; the remainders are dwarf ellipticals. Other than our own galaxy, only Andromeda and the Clouds of Magellan can be seen with the naked eye, and the Clouds are visible only from the Southern Hemisphere.

In the vicinity of the Local Group are several clusters, each containing around twelve members. The nearest cluster rich in members is the Virgo Cluster, which contains thousands of galaxies of all types. Like most large clusters, it emits X-rays. The Local Group, the small neighboring clusters, and the Virgo Cluster form part of a much larger cluster of clusters – the Local Supercluster.

The existence of galactic clusters presented a riddle to scientists for many years – the “missing mass” problem. Clusters are presumably held together by the gravity generated by their members. However, measurements showed that the galaxies did not have enough mass to explain their apparent stability. Why didn’t these clusters disintegrate? It is now thought that galaxies contain great amounts of “ dark matter”, which cannot be directly observed but which generates gravitational pull.

This matter includes gas, dust, burnt-out stars, and even black holes.

Câu 69:  Which of the followings does the passage mainly discuss?

  1. An astronomical problem that has never been solved. B. A recent development in astronomy.
  1. Clusters and superclusters of galaxies. D. The incredible distance between galaxies.

Câu 70:  The word “evenly” is closest in meaning to _____.

  1. predictably B. paradoxically C. uniformly                      D. relatively

Câu 71:  What conclusion can be made about galaxies that are NOT found in clusters?

  1. They are outnumbered by galaxies that do occur in clusters. B. They are not actually galaxies but

parts of galaxies.

  1. They have never been observed. D. They are larger than other galaxies.

Câu 72:  The word globular” is closest in meaning to _____.

  1. immense B. spherical C. dense                               D. brilliant

Câu 73:  The author would probably characterize the existence of clusters of superclusters as _____.

  1. certain B. surprising C. theoretical                     D. impossible

Câu 74:  According to the passage, in what way is the Local Group typical of galactic clusters?

  1. In its size. B. In its shape.


  1. In the number of galaxies it contains. D. In the types of galaxies that make it up.

Câu 75: In the Local Group, which of the following types of galaxies are most numerous?

  1. Dwarf ellipticals. B. Large spirals.
  1. Regular ellipticals. D. Medium-sized spirals.

Câu 76: All of the following are visible from somewhere on Earth without a telescope EXCEPT _____.

  1. Andromeda B. the Clouds of Magellan
  1. the Milky Way D. the Triangulum Spiral

Câu 77: According to the passage, the Local Group and the Virgo Cluster have which of the following in common?


  1. Both are part of the same supercluster.
  1. Both emit X-rays.
  1. Both are small clusters.
  1. Both are rich in galaxies.

Câu 78: The word riddle” is closest in meaning to _____.

  1. tool B. puzzle C. clue                                 D. theory

Câu 79: Which of the following is NOT true about the dark matter”?

  1. It may include black holes. B. It is impossible to observe directly.
  1. It is found in the space between galaxies. D. It helps explain the “missing mass” problem.

Câu 80: As used throughout the passage, the word “members” refers to _____.

  1. clusters B. galaxies C. scientists                       D. stars


B GIÁO D [1]C VÀ  ðÀO T O ð[1] THI TH  ð I HC, CAO ðNG
ð THAM KHO Môn: Ti ng Anh
Thi gian làm bài: 90 phút
Phn 1. Tìm t mà ph n in nghiêng có cách phát âm khác soi vnhng t kia:
1. a. lived b. helped c. used d. robbed
2. a. one b. won c. born d. month
3. a. sweet b. meat c. sweat d. fear
4. a. fair b. hair c. pair d. afraid
5. a. blue b. shoes c. flu d. uniform
Ph n II. Chn phương án ñúng

ñhoàn thành nh
ng câu sau

6. She has been working hard all day today. So she ………… be very tired now. a. can’t
b. must c. might d. must not
7. They didn’t come to the party, though they …………………. that they would.
a. promised b. say c. told that d. are sure
8. I ………………… a little Italian when I was working in Rome.
a. am learning b. had learnt c. learnt d. was learning
9. There was a shortage of water because it ……………. for several months.
a. hasn’t rained b. didn’t rain c. hadn’t rained d. wasn’t raining
10. We ………… married when I ………………. eighteen.
a. are/ am b. were/ was c. were/ am d. are/ was
11. Ann usually ………… sailing at weekends, but last weekend they ……….. tennis. a. goes/
plays  b. go/ played c. goes/ playedd. go/ plaid
12. Watch out! That box…………………. fall.
a. will b. is going to  c. won’t d. isn’t going to
13. How long…………… you …………….. as a teacher?
a. do/ work b. are/ work c. have/ worked d. did/ work
14. When ………… you ……………….. to Greece? – 5 years ago.
a. did/ go b. have/ been c. do/ go d. are/ go
15. “Mum! I’m so hungry and tired”. – “OK. I …… ………….bring you some drink”
a. am going to b. am c. will d. do
16. What ……………….. you ……………. next Wednesday evening?
a. do/ do b. are/ do c. did/ do d. are/ doing
17. My teacher arrived after I …………… for him for ten minutes.
a. had waited  b. waited c. was waiting d. have waited
18. May I watch the game while we ……………….. lunch?
a. have b. will have c. are having d. are going to
19. The beggar …………….. there in the sun for a long time.
a. is lying b. has been lying c. lay d. lies
20. I ……………… my pencil. May I borrow one of yours?
a. broke b. break c. am breaking d. have broken
21. It is a long time since he last ………………….. a scientific report.
a. writes b. wrote c. has written d. writing
22. He must be hurry because he …………………. to the doctor’s.
a. will go b. is going c. goes d. is having to go
23. My younger sister is he girl who ……………….. a hat like mine.
a. is wearing b. wears c. was wearing d. wore
24. The Times, one of Britain’s oldest newspaper, …………………by John Walter. a. started
b. was started c. had started  d. has been started
25. John was late for the meeting. He …………….. in a traffic jam.
a. have been b. am driving c. be d. had been held
26. I often go abroad …………….. business.
a. for b. in c. at d. on
27. Do you come to school ……………. motorbike?
a. by b. for c. with d. about
28. Of course I can; give it ……………… me
a. to b. for c. up d. with
29. Why does Tom look so happy? – Because he is … ……… love. a. with
b. on c. at d. in
30. I read an interesting article ……………… the paper this morning.
a. in b. to c. on d. over
31. We arrived ……………….. the airport in New York at 6 a.m.
a. at b. to c. in d. on
32. Is Mr. John ………….. work this week? – No.  He is ……………… holiday. a. at/ in
b. in/ on c. at/ on d. on/ in
33. Romeo and Juliet is a play ……………….. William Shakespear.
a. of b. by c. about d. for
34. Turn ……………. the music. It is too loud!
a. on b. off c. down d. up
35. I live in Thuan Chau now but I grew …………… in Ha Noi.
a. on b. with c. of d. up
36. I managed ………………. my passport.
a. find b. to find c. finding d. found
37. She refused ……………………… for the meal.
a. pay b. to pay c. paying d. paid
38. I enjoy ………………….. places I’ve been to before.
a. visiting b. to visit c. visit d. will visit
39. A man from a travel agency helped us …………… a nice house.
a. choose b. choosing c. to choose d. chose
40. He agreed ……………. the job as soon as possible.
a. start b. starting c. to start d. started
41. I stopped ……………… my book and went to bed.
a. read b. to read c. not read d. reading
42. Have you finished …………………that letter yet?
a. writing b. write c. to write d. wrote
43. I asked Monica ……………….. some stamps.
a. buying b. buy c. to buy d. bought
44. My teacher always expected me ………………. well in exams.
a. doing b. to do c. do d. did
45. You can’t ……………….. your car outside the hospital.
a. parking b. to park c. park d. parked
46. She …………….. Alice that it was an awful party. a. says
b. said c. tells d. told
47. I used to smoke, but I ………………. up last year.
a. moved b. changed c. gave d. stopped
48. Don’t forget to ………………. off the lights when you come to bed. a. turn
b. put c. take d. fall
49. Our financial situation is very ……………… We spend more than we can earn.
a. annoyed b. annoy c. annoying d. annoyingly
50. A ……………….. fights for his/her country.
a. firefighter b. soldier c. lawyer d. doctor
51. In my job I wear the latest fashions. I’m a ……………….
a. modern b. fashionable c. model d. professor
52. Air ……………… is a global problem.
a. polluting b. polluted c. pollute d. pollution
53. There are so …………………. between I and my sister.


a. differences b. different c. difference d. differently
54. “A man started to follow me home last night”. –   “Weren’t you ……………. ?”
a. frightening b. frightened c. frighten d. frightenedly
55. Please ………….. secret. I don’t want everyone knows about it.
a. tell b. keep c. carry d. give
56. If I …………. $2 million, I wouldn’t mind taking things easy for a while. a. win b.
won c. had won d. have won
57. Mount Everest …………….. to be the highest mountain in the world.
a. is believed b. believes c. believed d. is believing
58. She awfully ………………… having been so unkind to the boy.
a. regret b. is regretted c. regrets d. is regretting
59. If we don’t eat enough, we …………….. hungry.
a. will b. won’t c. will be d. won’t be
60. Italian people ……………….. of his Prime Minister’s resignation on television. a. were
told b. was told c. have told d. are telling
61. We are going to leave as soon as we……………….. enough money.
a. have b. will have c. are having d. might have
62. Visitors are not ……………….. to touch the exhibits.
a. told b. allowed c. allowing d. right
63. Paper money ………………. for over a thousand years.
a. has been used b. has used c. was used d. used
64. The house, in ………………. Shakespeare was born, is now open to the public. a. where
b. which c. from where d. that
65. May I watch the game ………………… we are having lunch?
a. during b. while c. just d. between
66. I …………….. a cold. Can I come home, please?
a. catch b. am c. have got d. do
67. Do I have to ………….. my age?
a. do b. act c. follow d. see
68. He has got to ……………… responsibility for himself.
a. have b. live c. take d. get
69. I ……………… some shopping while I was in town. I bought myself a new jumper. a. go b.
do c. take d. make
70. Her friend tell her she should …………….. being silly.
a. stay b. stop c. give up d. not
71. Earth is ………………. from the Sun …………. Venus.
a. farer/ than b. as far/ than c. as far/ as d. further/ than
72. Canada is ……………….. than China.
a. more big b. biger c. bigger d. as big
73. He is ………………. person I’ve met.
a. funniest b. the most funny c. the funniest d. most funniest
74. This test is ……………….. I expected.
a. more hard than b. harder than c. as hard than d. as harder as
75. Small eyes are not ………………….large eyes.
a. as attractive as b. as attractive than c. more attractive as d. attractive as

Phan III. Chon phuong an ung voi tu hoac cum tu co gach chan can phai sua.

  1. I had a few problems, but Bob gave me some good advices.

A B C D 77. The exam was real difficult. I couldn’t do any of it.

A                               B                                   C                 D

  1. Had they never met each other before last Sunday?
  1. She promised that she would come but in fact she doesn’t.


80. It is so an interesting book that I can’t stop reading.
  • c k 4 ñon văn sau và ch n phương án ñúng.

Question 81-85

How can we keep our teeth healthy? First, we ought to visit our dentist twice a

year. He can fill the small holes in our teeth before they destroy the teeth. He can examine our teeth to check that they are growing in the right way. Unfortunately, many people wait until they have toothache before they see a dentist. Secondly, we should brush our teeth with a toothbrush and flouride toothpaste at least twice a day, once after breakfast and once before we go to bed. We can also use wooden toothpicks to clean between our teeth after a meal. Thirdly, we should eat food that is good for our teeth and our body: milk, cheese, fish, brown bread, potatoes, red rice, vegetables and fresh fruit.

Chocolate, sweets, biscuits and cakes are bad, especially when we eat them between meals. They
are harmful because they stick to our teeth and cause decay.
81. How often should we go to the dentist?
a. once a month b. twice a month c. once a year d.  twice  a
82. Only when do a lot of people visit a dentist?
a. when we keep our teeth healthy b. when they have toothache
c. when they destroy the teeth d. when they are free
83. How often ought we to clean our teeth?
a. at least twice a day b. only twice a day c. at least twice a month d. only twice a year
84. What shouldn’t we eat a lot?
a. sweets, cakes b. chocolate, cheese c. cheese, brown bread d. sugar
85. Why aren’t sweets good for our teeth?
a. they have a lot of sugar b. they cause decay c. they are expensive d. they are bad

Question 86-90

In 1920, after some 39 years of problems with diseases, high cost and politics, The Panama Canal was officially opened, finally linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by allowing ships to pass through the fifty-mile canal zone instead of travelling some seven thousands miles around Cape Horn. It takes a ship approximately eight hours to complete the trip through the canal and costs an average of fifteen thousand dollars, one tenth of what it would cost an average ship to round the Horn. More than fifteen thousand ships pass through its locks each year.

  1. Why was until 1920 the Panama Canal officially opened? a. because of diseases
  1. because of high cost c. because of politics
  2. a, b, c
  3. How long is the Cape Horn?
  4. five thousand miles b. seven thousand miles c. eight thousand miles d. ten thousand miles
  5. How much would it cost a ship to travel round Cape Horn?
  6. fifteen thousand dollars b. one hundred and fifty thousand dollars
  7. one thousand and five hundred dollars d. five hundred dollar
  1. How did the ships travel from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans before the Canal was built?
  1. passing through the canal c. there was no way
  1. travelling around Cape Horn
  2. all above suggestions are wrong
  1. What is the passage about?
  1. Cape Horn b. the Atlantic
  1. Pacific Oceans
  1. The Panama Canal

Question 91 – 95

Romantic love is often the basis for marriage in Australia; young adults meet their future spouses at school, at jobs and in organizations and religious institutions. Although children choose their own spouses, they still hope their parents would approve of their choices. In many families,


parents feel that children should make major life decisions by themselves. A parent might try to influence a child to follow a particular profession but the child is free to choose another career. Sometimes children do precisely the opposite of what their parents want in order to assert their independence.

  1. What is often the basis for marriage in Australia?
  1. practical love b. romantic love c. great love d. love at the first sight 92. Children want their parents to …………………
  1. disagree with their choices b. consider their choices c. agree with their choicesd. notice about their choices
  2. What, according to many parents, children should do?
  3. depend on parents b. ask parents when they want to make major decisions
  4. make their own major life decisions d. ask their friends
  5. In choosing career, children…………..
  6. can choose what career they like b. can’t choose what career they like
  7. be under influence of their parents d. must follow their parents’ ideas
  1. The passage is about a. young children
  1. young adults’ choices of their marriage and career c. the role of parents in children’s decisions in Australia d. the role of young children

Question 96 – 100

On September 19, 1985, an earthquake struck Mexico City at 7:18 a.m. Thousands and thousands of people were on their way to work. The earthquake lasted only four minuted, but it completely destroyed more than 250 buildings and partially destroyed thousands of others. People died under tons of rubble. There were screams and cries throughout Mexico City for days. The next day, another earthquake hit the city. Worst of all, the second quake injured and killed even more people. Two weeks after the earthquakes, workers were still looking for people under the rubble. At the that time more than 7,000 people were dead. Several thousand more were still missing. It will take a long time for Mexicans to forget that tragedy. Many people never will.

  1. How long did the earthquake on September 19, 1985 last?
  2. one minute b. two minutes c. three minutes                           d. four minutes
  3. What did it destroy?
  4. completely more than 250 buildings b. many factories
  1. partially thousands of buildings d. both a and b
  2. Why was the second earthquake more terrible than the first one?
  3. more people died, injured b. less people died, injured
  4. less buildings were destroyed d. both a and c
  5. Most people died because…………….
  6. they were afraid of earthquake b. the falling of the buildings
  7. they were working d. they were at home
  8. The main idea of the reading is………….
  9. the earthquake killed thousands of people
  1. damages that the 1985 earthquakes have brought to Mexicans c. many people will never forget the tragedy
  2. the number of buildings destroyed by earthquakes


B GIÁO D [1]C VÀ ðÀO T O ð[1] THI TH  ð I HC, CAO ðNG
ð THAM KHO Môn: Ti ng Anh
Thi gian làm bài: 90 phút
Ph n I. Khoanh tròn t phát âm khác vi các t còn l i
1. lived helped used robbed
2. one won born month
3. sweet meat sweat fear
4. fair hair pair afraid
5. blue shoes flu uniform
Ph n II. Chn phương án ñúng

ñhoàn thành nh
ng câu sau

6. She was walking down the street when suddenly she …………. Peter.
a. saw b. was seeing c. saw d. see
7. I ………………. what you mean but I don’t agree with you.
a. have been seeing b. had seen c. am seeing d. see
8. Tom doesn’t like dancing, but Mike ……………..
a. does b. did c. do d. doesn’t
9. A number of accidents in the last 2 years ……………. caused by drunk driving. a. were
b. have been c. have d. are
10. We …………….. play chess with our father.
a. use to b. using to c. used to d. have used to
11. They ……………… for robbing the bank.
a. have arrested b. are arrested c. were arrested d. have been arrested
12. Tony ……………….. a strap with his trousers because they were too loose. a. has to
wear b. had been wearing c. had to wear d. were wearing
13. Italian people ………………. of the Prime Minister’s resignation on television.
a. was told b. will tell c. have been told d. will be telling
14. Nearly 1,000 people have been killed in an earthquake which ……… Japan yesterday. a. has hit
b. was hitting c. hit d. had hit
15. It can’t have been Bill you met at the party last night. He ……………… China. a. has
been to b. was in c. will be d. has gone
16. I …………… in the garden all day and I am exhausted now.
a. has worked b. have been working c. had worked d. was working
17. Some of them …………………. so much since we left the army.
a. changed b. did change c. had changedd. have changed
18. Many scientists are sure ……………. life on other planets.
a. there was b. there had been c. there are d. there is
19. Look at that men! He ………….. such a funny hat.
a. wore b. is wearing c. was wearing d. wears
20. When I got home, the children ………………… to bed and the house was quiet. a. went
b. had gone c. has gone d. will go
21. Beatrice said she ………….. in Paris before moving to Barcelona.
a. had lived b. was living c. has live d. will live
22. They were too late. The plane ……………. off ten minutes earlier.
a. took b. had taken c. has taken d. was taking
23. Paper money ……………… for over a thousand years.
a. has been used b. has used c. was used d. used
24. The weather has been bad this week. Next week it …………. probably be worse. a. is   b.
will c. is going to d. must
25. John was late for the meeting. He …………….. in a traffic jam.
a. have been b. am driving c. be d. has been held
26. Hetty went to New York and invested …………. Wall Street.
a. in b. on c. for d. to
27. I spoke to her …………….. the phone last week.
a. on b. in c. at d. by
28. Why did you open my letter?. – I’m sorry. I did  it …………… mistake. a. about
b. on c. by d. in
29. I live ……………… the third floor.
a. on b. above c. at d. in
30. ……………. Saturday night we went to a party.
a. In b. On c. At d. To
31. Maria is …………… her sister in many ways. They are both tall and thin. a. from
b. for c. with d. like
32. The bank is ……………. the corner of Lower Road and Hill Road.
a. in b. on c. at d. from
33. He gave ……………….. his job last week.
a. to b. to c. up d. from
34. We’ll stay in the United State until our visa runs …………
a. up b. out c. off d. away
35. It is important for you to succeed ………………….. your career.
a. on b. with c. about d. in
36. She made me …………….. for the petrol, but she allowed me …………. her car all day. a. pay/
use b. to pay/ to use c. pay/ to use d. pay/ using
37. Sorry, you ……………. to touch that antique vase.
a. can b. can’t c. are not allowed d. must
38. Ann agreed to stay behind; she was used to ……………….. late.
a. work b. working c. worked d. works
39. She decided …………….. her new life.
a. starting b. to start c. started d. start
40. I don’t mind……………… , but I try not to do it when possible.
a. cook b. to cook c. cooking d. cooked
41. Don’t let him …………….. our house.
a. to enter b. enter c. entering d. enters
42. He failed …………………. his problem.
a. solves b. solving c. solve d. to solve
43. We look forward ………………….you on the thirteen.
a. to see b. see c. to seeing d. seeing
44. I tried ………………. down the mountain, but it was too steep.
a. ski b. to ski c. skiing d. to skiing
45. I need a recipe for a cake that’s easy …………………
a. make b. to make c. making d. for making
46. The disco was so …………..that you couldn’t hear yourself speak.
a. noise b. noisily c. noisy d. noising
47. She had a car crash because of her ……………………….
a. careful b. careless c. care d. carelessness
48. My sister smiled ………………..when she received your present.
a. happily b. happy c. happiness d. unhappy
49. He is my sister’s son. He is my ……………….
a. nephew b. niece c. son d. cousin
50. A………………….. provides legal advice.
a. architect b. lawyer c. decorator d. shop assistant
51. The TV programme was so ……………….. that I fell asleep.
a. bored b. bore c. boring d. interested
52. I failed my exam. I worked hare for it. I’m so ………………….
a. disappoint b. disappointing c. disappointingly d. disappointed
53. Could I ………………… on these shoes, please?


a. fill b. put c. look d. try
54. She …………….. off her horse and hurt her wrist.
a. fell b. turned c. put d. gave
55. They …………. that Mary left last week.
a. tell b. told c. said d. say
56. When I was a child I ……………….. allowed to go out late at night. a. were
b. did not c. was not d. had not
57. If I ………….. the lottery, I would give most to charity.
a. win b. won c. will win d. had won
58. I’m coming to London tomorrow. I’ll ring you .. ………… I arrive.
a. if b. when c. before d. until
59. We can stay with my American cousins ……………. we are in Los Angeles. a. while
b. as soon as c. until d. after
60. Two pictures ………………… from the museum last night.
a. were steal b. have been stolen c. stolen d. were stolen
61. Three new factories ……………………. this year.
a. have built b. have been built c. were built d. built
62. If you stop smoking, you …………… more money.
a. won’t have b. will have c.  would have d. wouldn’t have
63. 10,000 cars …………………… next year.
a. are produced b. be produced c. produce d. will be produced
64. Someone ……………….. my bag!.
a. has stolen b. has been stolen c. have stolen d. have been stolen
65. You are reading the book ………………….. I wanted to read.
a. where b. who c. that d. when
66. Tom was late for work because he ………………. the bus.
a. lost b. passed c. missed d. caught
67. You have to go on a diet if you want to ……………… weight.
a. lose b. keep c. get d. reduce
68. …………….. hello to your parents from me when you see them. a. tell
b. talk c. speak d. say
69. She ………………. a complaint to the manager because our meal was so bad. a. gives
b. does c. makes d. tells
70. This is my grandfather’s watch. He ………….. it everyday until he died. a.
carried b. took c. wore d. brought
71. Surely, some of …………….. times of my life have been spent in our kitchen.
a. happiest b. the happiest c. the most happy d. most happy
72. John said that no other car could go …………………… his car.
a. so fast like b. as fast as c. fast than d. as fastly as
73. Tom is ………………. intelligent in our class.
a. the more b. the best c. the most d. most
74. Trains in London are ………………… in Paris.
a. more crowded than b. as crowded as c. less crowded as d. as crowded than
75. My homework is ……………. than yours.
a. worst b. worse c. badder d. more bad
Phan III. Chon phuong an ung voi tu hoac cum tu co gach chan can phai sua.
76. I last went to the cinema since three weeks ago.
A   B C D
  1. When have you had your new hairstyle?

A                            B                  C       D

  1. Twenty-four is enough old to live with his parents.

A   B               C                                           D

  1. There was an accident, but unfortunately no one was serious injured.


A B C D 80. The sofa was such comfortable that I fell asleep.

A                         B                                           C      D

  1. ð c k 4 ñon văn sau và ch n phương án ñúng.

Question 81- 85

How can we keep our teeth healthy? First, we ought to visit our dentist twice a year. He can fill the small holes in our teeth before they destroy the teeth. He can examine our teeth to check that they are growing in the right way. Unfortunately, many people wait until they have toothache before they see a dentist. Secondly, we should brush our teeth with a toothbrush and flouride toothpaste at least twice a day, once after breakfast and once before we go to bed. We can also use wooden toothpicks to clean between our teeth after a meal. Thirdly, we should eat food that is good for our teeth and our body: milk, cheese, fish, brown bread, potatoes, red rice, vegetables and fresh fruit. Chocolate, sweets, biscuits and cakes are bad, especially when we eat them between meals. They are harmful because they stick to our teeth and cause decay.

81. How often should we go to the dentist?
a. once a month b. twice a month c. once a year d.  twice  a
82. Only when do a lot of people visit a dentist?
a. when we keep our teeth healthy b. when they have toothache
c. when they destroy the teeth d. when they are free
83. How often ought we to clean our teeth?
a. at least twice a day b. only twice a day c. at least twice a month d. only twice a year
84. What shouldn’t we eat a lot?
a. sweets, cakes b. chocolate, biscuits c. cheese, brown bread d. sugar
85. Why aren’t sweets good for our teeth?
a. they have a lot of sugar b. they cause decay  c. they are expensive d. they are bad

Question 86-90

Language, the way we express ourselves, is a vital part of learning. A baby learns his native tongue naturally by hearing speech around him. If the speech he hears is rapid, not clear and never directed at him then he learns slowly and speaks badly. A child of two or three who can’t make his desires known or put his thoughts into words will usually become angry. His relationships with other get worse. If the speech a baby hears around him is clear, and his family talk to him, he will gain a satisfactory command of language directly, by his mother, his language ability will be greater. By the time he is two, it is quite possible for him to have a vocabulary of two thousand words and by the time he is three he will be able to read. Once ahead he will stay ahead.

  1. How is language defined by the writer?
a. Language is the way we express ourselves b. Language is a vital part of learning
c. Language is what we say d. Language is what we write
87. How does a baby learn his mother tongue?
a. by listening to radio b. by reading books  c. by hearing what is said around him
d. by watching TV
88. How does the child usually react when he can’t express himself?
a. he will get worse b. he will get angry c. he won’t talk d. he will be
89.How should the mother talk to her baby?
a. clearly, directly b. clearly, indirectly c. rapidly, clearly d. slowly, indirectly
90. How many words does a baby at the age of two can acquire?
a. 20 words b. 200 words c. 2,000 words d. 20, 000 words

Question 91 – 95

Romantic love is often the basis for marriage in Australia; young adults meet their future spouses at school, at jobs and in organizations and religious institutions. Although children choose their own spouses, they still hope their parents would approve of their choices. In many families,


parents feel that children should make major life decisions by themselves. A parent might try to influence a child to follow a particular profession but the child is free to choose another career. Sometimes children do precisely the opposite of what their parents want in order to assert their independence.

  1. What is often the basis for marriage in Australia?
  2. practical love b. romantic love c. great love                    d. love at the first sight
  3. Children want their parents to …………………
  4. disagree with their choices b. consider their choices
  5. agree with their choices d. notice about their choices
  1. What, according to many parents, children should do?
  1. depend on parents b. ask parents when they want to make major decisions
  2. make their own major life decisions d. ask their friends
  3. In choosing career, children…………..
  4. can choose what career they like b. can’t choose what career they like
  5. be under influence of their parents d. must follow their parents’ ideas
  6. The passage is about
  7. young children b. young adults’ choices of their marriage and career
  1. the role of parents in children’s decisions in Australia d. the role of young children question 96-100

The Japanese have perhaps the strictest rules of social and business behaviour. Seniority is very important, and a younger man should never be sent to complete a business deal with an older Japanese man. It is also important to exchange business cards immediately on meeting because it is essential to establish everyone’s position. when it is handed to a person in a superior position, it must be given and received with both hands, and you must take time to read it carefully, and not just put it in your pocket. You should not expect the Japanese to shake hands. Bowing the head is a mark of respect, and the first bow of the day should be lower than when you meet thereafter.

96. What strict rules do the Japanese have?
a. rules of society b. rules of social behaviour c. rules of businessd. both b and c
97. When should you exchange business card with Japanese businessmen?
a. after meeting b. before meeting c. immediately on meeting    d.   late   on
98. How should a business card be handed?
a. with both hands b. with one hand
c. in a superior position with both hands d. in a superior position with one hand
99. Japanese businessmen expect ……………….. people to do business deals with him a.
younger b. much younger c. much older d. the same age or older
100. The Japanese greet each other by…………….
a. shaking hands b. saying something c. bowing the head d. smiling



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